Is Amy Hodgepodge repping the blasian community?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I remember when I first heard about the Amy Hodgepodge line of books. I was so excited. None other then Kim Wayans was going to put a book on the market (along with husband Kevin Knotts) that gives a face and voice to multiracial child. A child who just happens to be asian and black. For those that don't know, Amy is a very interesting mix of Japanese, African American, Korean (woot!) and White. So homegirl is repping some major mixed race heritage.
I've been following Amy since she first launched on the scene 2 years ago. While she's been a boon to the mixed race community in general and to the kids literary community. All her friends are mixed race with parents of some asian, white, hispanic, and black pairing. But still Amy hasn't been so active in the blasian community. What's gives?
Now maybe I've missed something since I've been all wrapped up in being mom to my son but as I look around within the asian and black community I noticed we really don't talk about her. I also notice Amy really doesn't talk about us.....
Did I miss something? Is the blasian connection being downplayed? Do I need to call a blasian intervention?! My people, let me know your thoughts.
photo credit: Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival fb page
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