YES, Asian Men Like Black Women

Monday, August 29, 2011

10 years ago when I first started blogging about dating asian men, it seems a novelty to many. Many thought I was a rarity or the whole asian and black couple thing would phase out and soon asian men would return to either asian women or to white women, who are considered the default females for dating interracially. I of course saw a very different future. I saw many more Asian men standing up and taking a place beside black women.

Now I might be just a bit bias since I've dated, married, divorced and birth a child with an asian men. But over the last 10 years I've been proven right and been proud to see my community growing in amazing ways. Everywhere I look online there's asian and black communities, families and support groups.

More to the point of this post, there are Asian men who are either dating or married to black women with families leading the way and building blasian communities. Here are a few

  • Asian Male Revolutions: 'Asian Male Revolutions' is both a website and a social experiment. Asian-American men find themselves trapped in a loophole within an artificially-designed multiracial construct (or "utopian multi-racial melting pot") that America has created for itself - and we intend to use the Internet to spread the message about this misapplication of the Multiculturalist Ideal.  Visit website -

These are just 2 asian men forming communities online in support of asian and black dating. As time goes on I hope to share more websites and resources started by asian men who YES, love black women.

asian doctor

But before I end this post I want to share a story.

A few months ago I was covering a pr/media event when an asian male came up to me and asked me a question about all the people. I thought nothing of it, gave him the answer and went back to what I was doing. A little while later on my way out I saw this same asian male. We struck up a conversation and I learned he was a doctor. Hmm.

Even though he was very nice and certainly my type, at the time I was still in mom only mode and wasn't interested in taking our conversation further. But that experience left a certain thought in my mind.

If I, wearing no makeup, dressed plan and simple and not even trying, can catch the attention of an asian guy who's a doctor! Then YES Asian men are interested in black women. No more excuse, no more if's and's or butt's. Asian men have made it clear they're willing and able to step up and out of the shadows. Will black women FINALLY accept that truth and be more open to dating asian men?


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