Immigrant Widows & Spouses of US Citizens Deporting

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So I recently learned about a "widow penalty" and a petition that will ask that people have citizenship as a requirement of receiving social security benefits?! Where have I been that I missed all this uproar of widows of American citizens being deported?!

widows deported

Bad enough that a women (or guy) loses their spouse when they're killed in action while on active duty. But then to have to face being deported and denied benefits because your not a US citizen or have finished the process to get your alien residence card (aka green card). Who came up with this idea?!

From what I can follow, cause I'm SO late to this issue, is that appeals were filed along with class action suits and apparently a new law was passed that allowed these widows and families to remain here and finish up their residency process. But from what I've read on Surviving Spouses Against Deportation it took a while and lots of petitioning.

Just goes to show that non US citizens have very little rights and need to cover all bases.

As for the social security issue, it turned out to be false so legal permanent residence are ok but I wonder how long that will last with people lobbying that only American citizens receive benefits? I also wonder if you don't look "American" how much paperwork do you need to prove that you are?


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