Books Asian Black Heritage

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Books Dealing with Asian Black / Blasian / Multiracial Heritage

All Mixed Up! (Amy Hodgepodge, No. 1)

After years of being home schooled, Amy Hodges is excited to start fourth grade at a “real” school. On Amy’s first day, she gets teased not only because she is new, but also because she looks different. Amy is part Asian, Caucasian, and African American. Eventually, Amy meets a group of nice kids and one of them even affectionately gives her the nickname “Amy Hodgepodge” since she’s a mix of so many races. 

Country of Origin: A Novel

Lisa Countryman vanishes in Tokyo, but no one seems to be in a particular hurry to find her. The mystery of her disappearance is intertwined with the mystery of her origins as an ainoko, or half-breed. For Lisa, who is half African American and half Asian, alienation and belonging, love and hate, are bound up with race.

Dim Sum for Everyone by Don Lee

On a visit to a bustling dim sum restaurant, a family picks their favorite little dishes from the steaming trolleys filled with dumplings, cakes, buns, and tarts. Dim Sum for Everyone! celebrates a cultural custom and a universal favorite activity--eating!

Jade by Marcia King Gamble.

About a girl who is half Vietnamese and black. While that war may have ended, its legacy remains. Bi-racial adults are still searching for their roots today, and try to make sense of the label, "Children of the Dust".

Two Mrs. Gibsons by Toyomi Igus

Author Toyomi Igus's tender and touching tribute to the two most important women in her life, her Japanese mother and her African American grandmother.

Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White by Frank Wu

Wu explores black-Asian, black-white and white-Asian interactions, combining legal history, personal anecdotes, and historical context. Frank Wu unflinchingly describes the racial prejudice of Asian Americans who prefer marrying white to marrying black.

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