Hearing Americas Secret Apology to Native Americans

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's no secret that Native Americans have gotten the rotten end of the deal they made with those first pilgrims and any other Americans since then. Many in their community are still trying to put the pieces together many years after so called "provisions" have been made for them.

Many wonder when will America acknowledge the wrong it has done to their people? Will they ever hear American say "We are Sorry"?

Mark Charles Wireless Hogan Public Reading of the US Apology to Native Peoples

Well according to the article "Navajo man wants the nation to hear its official apology", American already has (inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/19/native-american-apology).

Seems the 2010 Defense Appropriations Act (www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-111hr3326enr/pdf/BILLS-111hr3326enr.pdf) includes an official apology to Native American people.

Who knew?! I sure didn't and I bet many Native American didn't either.

But one man wants to change that. Mark Charles, discovered this apology a year ago and wonders why a more official (and louder) sharing of it hasn't been heard among the Native American people (or any other).

Mark recently took things into his own hands and standing in front the Capitol, he read the 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

Kudos to Mark!

To read more about Mark and why he felt the public reading was important, visit- www.wirelesshogan.com

Do you think reading this apology will sooth feeling between Native Americans and Americans? Will this make things better or just add fuel to the flame?


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